Maximillion goes Carbon Positive

February 26, 2015 : News


Maximillion have achieved a carbon-positive status for the business we run and the building we occupy.

What this means, is that Maximillion have moved beyond carbon zero by making additional “positive” or net export contributions by producing more energy on site than both the building requires to operate and the business needs to offset the carbon produced by day to day business activity.

Since 2006, we have been measuring and reducing our carbon footprint and our progress has been externally validated by GTBS or Green Business Tourism Scheme. In 2008 we achieved their Gold accreditation and additionally are the only business within their 2000 member UK network to win two Gold Star awards (2011 and 2013). The measures we took to achieve this include:

Waste: We reduced our waste to land fill from 2,400 kg pa in 2006 to just 50 kg in 2014 and last year we recycled or reused 83% of our waste.

Heating: We installed a 56kw biomass boiler and a solar thermal system in 2008 and this has reduced our heating costs to less than £600 pa

Electricity: In 2011 we installed 144 panel 36kw solar pv systemproducing on average 28,738 KWh pa. We use less than half of this and the excess is exported to the grid. This has reduced the carbon associated with electricity from 20,786 kg in 2006 to a carbon positive of -4,035 kg

Water: In 2008 we installed a rainwater harvest system reducing our mains water to 170 cubic meters in 2014.

Managing Director John Strachan stated “In 2007 we took the decision to move offices and the building we bought in 2008 gave us a great opportunity to do something exciting. It was an old 1970’s eye sore and we had the ambition to recycle it and create an exemplar of sustainability. It’s now a handsome and pleasant place to work and a building we are proud to have regenerated”.

Even though carbon positive has been achieved, there is still more to be done, and this year Maximillion plan to plant a wild flower meadow grass verge to encourage bees, and build some raised beds for the team to enjoy!

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