Lindsay Hume

When did you join the company?

“March 2024”


What do you love most about your job?

“That no two days are ever the same and the variety of events that we deliver”.


What hobbies and interests do you have outside of work?

“I enjoy going to the gym and taking my dog to the beach


Tell us about a time you got yourself into trouble as a child

“I once was playing hide and seek, taking the game very seriously and hiding in the best place possible. After an hour of searching, my parents had started to panic and were close to calling the police until they found me sound asleep under my bed.”


Would you rather be able to fly or be invisible?

“That is a tough one, but I think being able to fly so you can easily travel around the world”


Lindsay would be delighted to discuss your team building and corporate event requirements, and can be reached at and on 0131 333 6880.