Benefits of Teambuilding

January 17, 2024 : News

At Maximillion, we have been exploring the corporate hybrid culture and the importance of investing in team cohesion for 2024.


We know that the workplace has evolved into a much more hybrid space than ever before. On top of the usual busy and stressful nature of any fast-paced demanding work environment it is more challenging to maintain and nurture cohesion in teams. Teams aren’t spending as much time together creating a risk of employees falling into a mindset of your jobs/tasks alone, rather than the wider team/organisation.

We are passionate about addressing the importance of staff communication, collaboration and cooperation and the impact this can have on overall morale and productivity in the workplace. With this in mind, below we’ve rounded up 5 key benefits of team building activities we know will be on everyone’s radar in 2024.

1. Strengthens Communications Skills

Team building activities, allow colleagues to forge new relationships and gain a greater level of respect for each other. In turn, this will enable a team’s communication to flow more freely, whereby individual opinions are listened to and decisions are made as a team.


Good communication skills within the workplace is a sign of a high-performance culture and is the key to company success and employee contentment. In fact, a survey from Herd Wisdom revealed that 37% of employees credit “working with a great team” as their primary reason for staying at a job.


Check out Team Works In, Team Works Out and Human Bingo for classic examples of communication activities.

2. Mental Health & Stress

Did you know that 1 in 4 employees regard their job as the number one stressor in their lives? Too much stress in the workplace can lead to fatigue, changes in personality and a withdrawal from interacting with those around us.
Furthermore, the lack of in-person interaction can result in staff feeling isolated and disconnected from the organisation.

A recent study by the Mental Health Foundation found that 1 in 4 adults in the UK have felt lonely because of the change to virtual or hybrid working since the pandemic. Additionally, a survey by Oracle revealed 76% of workers believe their company should be doing more to support their staff’s mental health.

With this in mind, we believe it’s vitally important that companies help support a happier, healthier working environment.

3. Improves Office Productivity

Harvard Physician, Eva Selhub, notes that being outdoors for as little as 20 minutes can help lower stress levels, increase focus and improve overall staff productivity.


Outdoor team building activities, such as Urban Adventure and The Checkpoint Challenge encourage a light competitiveness and require colleagues to actively engage and communicate with one another to complete tasks and win games.


Employee engagement is crucial for improving office productivity The Workplace Research Foundation discovered that highly engaged employees are 38% more likely to be productive at an above-average level.

4. Creative Problem Solving & Collaboration

Empowering the workforce to approach and overcome challenges with innovation and creativity is really powerful. 


Team building activities, such as, Lego Serious Play, Kinetic Connections, Big Picture or The Pitch allow participants to take a well needed break from their computer screens, leave a stressful work environment and unwind in a new, refreshing landscape.


In order to succeed in a team building activity, teams must work together and communicate to solve problems. This type of collaboration helps develop and foster creative thinking. The team’s active communication and problem solving skills will help rejuvenate a workforce’s creativity and inspire new ideas and decisions in the workforce. 

5. Boosting Motivation & Morale

Team building activities, such as our, Rhythm Rocks and Kinetic Connections, require collaboration and communication in order to successfully complete the activity.


When a team successfully completes a challenging activity, it creates a feeling of momentum, satisfaction and unity, making each team member feel valued and good about themselves. Together, these factors work to develop trust and a sense of community among team members, whilst also boosting individual motivation because each member now feels they are valued and respected by the group.


Incorporating Sustainability or Social Responsibility into your chosen activity or theme of your event can also be hugely rewarding to the individuals and align with your company vales and sense of corporate community. Maximillion are developing more ways to incorporate this into your tailored event – check out this sustainable case study, Environmental Countdown.

Get in touch with the Maximillion team on 0131 333 0066 or by email and discuss your objectives and goals for your team and we can tailor an itinerary to get help unleash your team’s full potential in 2024.

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