Here’s to a year in the sun

August 28, 2013 : News

In July 2012 we installed on our warehouse roof a 144 panel 36 kW system.

The forecast generation was 28,000 kWh but we are happy to report that just over 31,000 kWh have been produced, an unexpected and much welcomed excess of 10%. Of this, we have used on site 18,000 kWh and so have exported the balancing 13,000 kWh back into the grid.

The carbon saved over the year has been 21,762 Kg CO2 which is the equivalent of 186 barrels of oil, 11 homes emissions for a year or 3,325 cylinders of propane used for BBQ’s!

Our solar system is just part of the green mixat our Newbridge Offices where we have been accredited with GTBS Gold (green tourism business scheme) and have been awarded just one of ten GTBS Gold Stars from across the UK in 2011. Maximillion have again been nominated for a second and unprecedented gold star in 2013, to be announced in November in Bristol.

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