Invest SMART in team building

February 16, 2009 : General Team Building

When times are tough, successful companies don’t stop investing in their people – they just invest smart.

In 2002 when I conducted research into the investment in team building during an economic downturn the world was a different place!  However, many of the findings still hold true and perhaps have never been more relevant to managers and others with a responsibility for the development of teams.  The value to the business of well targeted and designed team development interventions are well proven and the challenge for managers is to measure and quantify their success.

Maximillion can work with you to design specific interventions guaranteed to achieve a return on your investment and provide mechanisms to allow you to measure and quantify this return.

Read the dissertation – ‘Team building events for staff: Are they just play or do they pay?’

For further information on team development at Maximillion, please contact our L&D Consultant Sandy Smith at and on 0131 333 0066.

Read more about Maximillion’s corporate events.

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