January Road Show

January 26, 2012 : General Team Building

January 2012 saw Maximillion hit the ground running!

Coming back from the festive season with two team building events in the second week of January certainly helped clear away any cobwebs and set the standard of our intentions for the year.

These team building solutions saw us taking the Maximillion Events Team on a road show to Maidstone in Kent on one day and Saltash in Plymouth the next! We embarked on an epic 1246 mile round trip (only 54 miles short of the distance from Edinburgh to Barcelona (where we were in January 2011 for a week of conferenceand team building) that took us through numerous counties and far too many service stations to remember!

Myself, Martin, Lisa and Tara left Edinburgh at 09:15 and made great time, arriving in Maidstone a mere eight hours later. Martin got in the zone and ended up driving the whole journey. Certainly he at least said he was in the zone but in reality it was just his way of gaining and keeping control of the car stereo. A lesson I have learned the hard way…

Following a good night’s sleep we ran our Mexican Railway event at the Village Hotel located just outside the town centre. The event went brilliantly with plenty of helpful feedback points for our clients to take back to the workplace. We had a swift pack up of the kit and hit the road once more (this time with me behind the wheel and in charge of the stereo!).

The drive from Kent to Plymouth was a lot more interesting than the usual motorway slogs we are used to, taking us past Stonehenge, which Tara and I had never seen before and Lisa still hasn’t as she kept to her strict rule of being asleep every second we spent in the car. Towards the end of our journey we passed Buckfast Abbey. Alas, we were too late to stop for a sample or souvenir.

Naturally, there was going to be at least one blip on the road for us at some point and the closure of the main road into Plymouth provided it. I didn’t help matters by taking a de-tour from the de-tour and got us on a single track road with steep walls either side of us and thick fog everywhere. Thankfully the SatNav saved the day and got us out!

We were met on arrival at Plymouth by team members Manny, Dan, Rob, Paul and one of my favourite things – the opportunity to set up an event the night before. Now a team of 8 we got Maximillion’s Maelstrom activities set up and ready for action. After a long day’s travel for all we had earned a good night’s rest.

After an early rise we started our group energiser at 09:30. Despite there being more than a few beverages consumed the night before, our clients were on fine fettle and we had some hilarious celeb look-a-likes and party tricks discovered through the Team Top Trumps energiser! This was followed by a very competitive and close-run Maelstrom. Activities ended at 11:30 and the team had Maelstrom packed up and ready to hit the road by 12:00, a new record! Miraculously we once again avoided any sort of traffic jam and were back at our Head Offices in Edinburgh by 8:30pm after our fantastic road trip.

For Maximillion the national events in January didn’t stop there with more events the following week in London and then Essex the week after.

If you are interested in team building, conferences, event management or team development in Maidstone, Plymouth, Barcelona, London, Essex or anywhere for that matter then why not call us on 0131 333 0066 or make an enquiry.

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