MadMax Adventures
November 4, 2014 : News
A new website is coming!
As part of our MadMax Adventures revamp, we have a brand new website making its way onto the world wide web. As we retire our old site, our new one will be launched with a host of new additions – and firing on all cylinders!
The launch of the new site will see a modern, easy to use and eye-catching website hitting your screens in the very near future. As we passed the first anniversary at our new MadMax activity centre location, we decided it was only fair that our web presence also received a new site to handle the increased demand MadMax has seen over the past few years.
Our new website will bring the event brand web presence to the fore as we look to boost our web traffic through not only our dedicated website, but also through our social media channels. The new website will be able to collate all MadMax happenings in one space, making it easier for you to find out what we’re up to!
We’re keeping it all under wraps for the moment as we fine tune and tweak the site, but keep those eyes peeled -something awesome this way comes! In the meantime, have a nosey at some screen grabs of the site and pics of the centre. Alternatively, head on over to the MadMax Facebook page and give us a “like” for all the latest MadMax info and pictures!