Organisational Distancing

March 19, 2020 : News

In light of C19 and to ensure that our service to our clients is uninterrupted whilst at the same time reduce the risk to our team we have adopted “organisational distancing”. This means that we have reduced the office to one team member on a daily rotational basis whilst the rest of the team are working from home. With daily team conference calls at the beginning and end of each day as well as remote working enabled across all of our systems, this means that we are still be able to deliver the service our clients expect and require to plan their events remotely.

  • Weekly Monday “Brief Banter” & Sales Meeting
  • Daily Catch-up Video Calls at 0930 and 1530
  • Team Whatsapp Group
  • Team Supporting one another directly buddying up on projects to reduce isolation

There’s a lot of great information and top tips available online on working from home and maintaining your mental health throughout. We are more used to working as a team in the office and getting out and about and interacting with clients and colleagues while delivering events, so it’s certainly been an adjustment, and keeping the social touch points and togetherness has been invaluable for our team.

Video Call Team Meeting

Like everyone, we’re learning new skills and the do’s and don’ts of new challenges. A video call sneaky snapshot earlier this week highlighted a few lessons for our team in how to maintain a cool, calm and engaged look throughout.

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