Staff interview – Twitter style 2

August 24, 2011 : General Team Building

This month, our Learning & Development Consultant, Sandy Smith, interviews our work placement student, Katrin Gufler. Katrin joined us 6 weeks ago and has already become a invaluable member of the team.

Read on to learn more about Katrin, her experiences in Edinburgh and what she makes of life at Maximillion!

Tell us about where you’re from?

I’m from a little village in South Tyrol, a lovely region in the middle of the Alps in northern Italy.

What drew you to studying tourism management?
My passion for other cultures, languages and travelling. Plus, I’m known as the organizer within my group of friends.

What’s been the high point of your placement at Maximillion so far?
Every day at Maximillion is an adventure, but what I really enjoyed was the quarterly meeting combined with a golf lesson đŸ™‚

If I were MD at Maximillion I would…
…probably open an office also in Italy and show the Italian companies that Family Fun Days should exist in every country!

What has been your favourite event at Maximillion to date?
My favourite event at Maximillion was a Knockout, because although it rained almost all day the people enjoyed themselves a lot.

What has been your impression of Scotland and Scottish people?
Scotland does have everything you can wish for apart from the weather sometimes and the people are very polite and always ready for a good laugh!

When you’re not studying or working you like to…
…travel, hang out with friends, play the piano, go to the movies, listen to music, read English books…

After your studies, your ambition is to…
…find a job that I enjoy doing, where I can use my knowledge and increase my skill set.

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