Staff update: New interns!

May 20, 2014 : News


Maximillion is delighted to welcome Kim de Lumley Woodyear, who is currently studying Tourism and Events Management in France, and Amie Crozier, an Event Management student at Queen Margaret University, to the team.

We catch up with Kim and Amie to find out more about them and their experience at Maximillion so far.


Nationality: French

Best film: Into the Wild

First Single: 2B3 (French boy band)

Best food: My dad’s Lasagne

Spare time: I love to go hiking, cycling and discover a bit more about Scotland.

Star Sign: Sagittarius

Childhood job wish: I wanted to be a cashier…

Live Anywhere: I could live anywhere

Desert Island Book: Any adventure book

Desert Island Luxury: A lighter

What you think of Maximillion so far: I really enjoy waking up and going to work. Each day is different, and I don’t know what to expect.

What you’d like to learn during your time at Maximillion: I would love to improve my knowledge about the event industry and my English in a professional environment.


Nationality:  Scottish

Best film: The Proposal

First Single: Probably steps, I used to love them!

Best food: Definitely pizza

Spare time: Spending time with family and friends

Star Sign: Aquarius

Childhood job wish: Hairdresser

Live Anywhere: I wouldn’t move anywhere else

Desert Island Book: I’m not a big reader

Desert Island Luxury: My phone

What you think of Maximillion so far: Everyone is lovely and so very helpful!

What you’d like to learn during your time at Maximillion: I’d like to gain knowledge from professionals and try to understand what the events industry is really like.

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