Team Development Sessions

April 29, 2021 : News, Team Development

Given the journey many organisations have been on over the last year, what shape will your team be in when the road starts to open up? We have been pairing a number of our activities with a facilitated session to maximise the outcomes for your team.

Some teams may have experienced a rough ride in their journey, navigating challenging terrain in extreme conditions as they deal with constant change and uncertainty. As a result, levels of resilience may have become compromised as they adapt to unexpected pressures and changes in conditions, including working remotely and in isolation, and operating with limited or fewer resources. Some of these issues may require a bit of DIY to resolve, but the smarter teams will also seek specialist support.

To help your team step back from the chaos, breathe, reflect and regroup, bring them together to undertake our Arctic Survival Escape virtual challenge. This is a unique, tech-enabled, gamified experience has been specifically designed to test and challenge participants, and in so doing raise awareness of how behaviours impact on individual and team performance and effectiveness. The programme offers a fun, shared teambuilding experience against the backdrop of a phased team development process. It starts off with a pre-event consultation with you in order to understand your team’s situation, and to agree on expectations and key outcomes in terms of what you want objectives you want to reach through the event. At the end of facilitated sessions, there is a structured debrief which focuses on the observations made and discussed with the group.

On the day, we will:

1. Engage the team by setting ground rules for working, providing the team with an opportunity to assess its strengths and areas for development, and team members with an opportunity to identify personal objectives

2. Deliver our Arctic Survival Escape virtual team development simulation via the Mobile Adventures app (or another activity of your choosing)

3. Facilitate a final review, debrief and ‘thinking into action’ action planning session – What, So What, Now What? – to link the experience back to the workplace

“Maximillion did an amazing job to deliver an interactive, engaging and inspiring afternoon of fun. Virtual team building events is another ‘new experience’ to the new world we find ourselves in. Maximillion have shown the power of human ingenuity to adapt and find opportunity in the changing world. Our thanks all.”

Arctic Survival Escape Challenge Client, April 2021
The programme package will:

1. Help highlight and prioritise areas for improvement and development

2. Provide a fun, shared experience that links learning back to the workplace

Key Features:

1. Prior consultation with you to understand the team context and key outcomes

2. Led by an experienced Lead Facilitator and specialist Virtual Teambuilding team

3. Immersive and interactive app-based tasks and challenges to test and challenge

4. Team Learning Logs

5. Final review, debrief and action planning session, offering a fast route to transferable learning

6. Option to include talk by a guest speaker – See our showcase  Teamwork & Suvival with Mark Beaumont – 12th May 2021 opportunity to try before you buy.


1. Starts with the end in mind – outcome led

2. Delivered remotely over extended half day workshop at a time of your choice to suit different team member time zones

3. Pitched according to seniority profile

4. Experiential, grounding the learning more effectively

5. Flexible and scalable for large and small groups

If you are considering a team development session or event and would like to discuss tailoring a programme like this or something similar we would be delighted to help. Please do get in touch with

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