Walk your city in the dark for Fight for Sight

June 3, 2014 : News

Challenge Events Charity Challenges

Walk your city in the dark for Fight for Sight

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a future that everyone can see?


Sight is the sense that people fear losing the most, but many people don’t know how to care for their eyes. A simple sight test can detect early sights of conditions like glaucoma, which can be treated if found soon enough.

Join the Carrots NightWalk 2014 on 26 September at Glasgow Caledonian University, and walk your city in the dark!

Maximillion is very proud to be organising the Fight For Sight Carrots NightWalk, which is painting five major UK cities orange to raise awareness about the importance of eye health, and raise funds towards research into the treatment of eye disease.

Help us create a future that everyone can see, by joining the Carrots NightWalk in Glasgow on Friday 26 September 2014.

See your city like never before on a 6 or 15 mile night-time sponsored walk.

For more information:

t: 020 7264 3914

e: events@fightforsight.org

w: www.fightforsight.org.uk/carrots

twitter: #carrotsnightwalk

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